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to take any official action for their relief. The subject is again to be considered, at the next meeting of the Board of Mayor and Alderman of the Corporation and I have hopes that some measures will be adopted, by which such cases as I have alluded to, will be provided for.  Unless some assistance is furnished from some source then will be considerable suffering during the next month.  Capt. Tracy has just returned from a tour through Granger, Claiborn & Union Cos and proposes to leave immediately for Jefferson and Sevier. 
He meets with rather poor success in collection rents,"

The daily attendance at the various schools throughout this Sub District has materially increased during the month, denoting a prosperous condition.  With regard to the School at Athens McMinn County, referred to in James Ware's report. I am able to state that there is a building which can be repaired and made suitable for school purposes. They have paid for the Lot and have a warrantee Deed for the same. In a special report made in this case to D. Burt Supt. of Education on the 2nd day of Jany 1867.