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Bureau R. F. and A. Lands
Office Chief Superintendent
Nashville Sub District
Nashville Jany 16th 1867.

Lieut. Col. F. S. Palmer
Actg Asst Comm'r Tenn

In compliance with instructions received from the Asst Com'r State of Tenn. to make report of state of feeling, and of all outrages perpetrated by whites on blacks, in the Nashville Sub District, I have the honor to furnish the following for the month of December 1866. 

Joel B. Smith, Supt. Coffee Co. reports Dec 31st
"It is a fact not to be denied that Freedmen are making greater efforts to secure houses and remunerative labor, at this time than ever before manifested by them their judgement, and knowledge of the value of labor has improved wonderfully, the experience of the past year has taught them much. 

Numbers of instances can be recorded where they have secured sufficient means within the last twelve or eighteen months, to buy and pay for homes for themselves, and a great many will be stimulated by these examples