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with the negroes employed by them.

The main trouble is with men who amount to nothing - have no principal no property - They have rented land and have had a poor crop consequently they try to cheat the negro to save themselves, and they generally succeed as they have nothing which can be touched by law.

Matters of this kind are worse in Giles County than in Williamson, as there are more mean unprincipled men in Giles than Williamson.

The Circuit Court has been in session in Giles County during this month, I cannot say for this County as I did for Williamson in my last report. 
I do not think a Jury could be got in Giles County who would do the negro justice. This is so notorious here that lawyers who have cases in hand for negroes dare not let them come to trial but try to compromise, always with loss to the negro.

The negroes are treated much better than could be expected in such a society - men have to treat them well to get them to work for them.

There seems to be no trouble in the negroes getting employment, they are