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making contracts very fast and generally very good ones. They have learned by hard experience to look out for themselves.

I know of no suffering among the colored people. There certainly is no need of it except among those who are old.

The low class of whites in Pulaski acted very rough during Christmas. I never saw such an outrageous drunken time, people's lives were not safe. Pistols were fired, and balls flew in all directions, several negroes were shot but none seriously injured. There was no riot but a general drunken row between whites and negroes, such as would disgrace even barbarian.

It can almost be said that there is no law in Giles County, all do just as they see fit without regard to law or decency.

The sheriff of this County is a bad man and stimulates the worst passions of the low class of whites against the negroes. He has to be forced to take a warrant against a white man but is very ready to take one against the negro. 

Alfred Bearden, Supt Lincoln Co reports Dec 31