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With but few exceptions, parties seem disposed to deal fairly with the freed persons and but few cases of cruelty have been reported to me.

One freedman by the name of Buff Nater was shot and killed in Fayetteville on Christmas day, in a fracus. Supposed murderer named Whitington who made his escape. On Christmas eve, a freedman by the name of George Lore was stabbed in the dark by some unknown person. Whiskey the cause of all this trouble I think.

Our planters are anxious, many of them to enter into contracts with the freedpersons for the ensuing year for wages, and no doubt but what many of them will close contracts during the ensuing months.

Our county has not made any provision for the Colored paupers yet. many of whom I fear, unless provided for will suffer this winter though I am still urging their claims before the county authorities.

Joshua Cobb. Supt Montgomery Co reports
As respects the state of feeling on the part of citizens toward freedmen and