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a horse levied on to be sold at Sheriffs sale to satisfy the debt.
There have been no cases of outrages upon the persons of freedmen reported to me during the month. Large crowds have been in Murfreesboro every day for more than a week, and many intoxicated, white and black, and no apparent trouble has resulted from it.
There is a general feeling of insecurity among the freedmen in the part of the county fartherest from Murfreesboro. Not one will bring a suit before a Justice, or be brought before a Justice outside of this place, if he can avoid it.

J.L. Fowler. Supt Wayne Co reports Dec 31st 66
"The state of feeling toward freedmen favorable with the exception of some few persons." 

Wm Lowry. Supt Warren Co reports Dec 31st 66
The freedmen and whites are getting along as agreeably as could be expected.
The colored folks are procuring homes for 1867 generally on their own judgement. They however frequently come for council."

Richd Simpson. Supt White Co reports
The freedmen and their employers