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are settling up quietly and not many dissatisfactions appear to arise. Some are getting homes for the coming years but no contract has been presented to me for approval and registration, and I think there will be none in my county for the issuing years.
There are quite a number of destitute families in this county. Women with families of children who are not able to clothe, feed, and shoe their families by their own labor. However the freedmen as a general thing are very healthy, and they are trying to do all they can for support.

D.D. Holman Supt Robertson Co reports There is a greater demand have here was at the commencement of the years for laborers, with but little disposition on the part of the colored people to compact for the years whilst the responsible pact of our farmers are unwilling to take them for a shorter period. There are about one hundred able bodied men & women located in huts and shanties unsuited to health or comfort, unemployed in this place, who are unwilling to return to the country, refusing to take 1/2 half of