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Two colored men were sent to the Penitentiary for one year each for stealing.

The Schools in this place are is progressing finely under the direction of O.T. Andrews late Lieut. in the 15th Ills. Vols. Infty. 
Since my last report, Mr. T.C.R. Lawson has opened a school for colored persons in the 1st civil district of Bradley County. The school house at Athens, McMinn Co, is under process of repairs and will be completed in a short time. In regard to the lumber for a School house at Charleston, (which has been in controversy for some time) I will account for the same in a suplementary report, soon. 
In concluding my Twelfth monthly report, of the operations of the Bureau in my district, I cannot refrain from comparing the present with one year ago, when the large majority of the citizens of Bradley County were condemning me for accepting an appointment which only proposed to do justice to a downtrodden and unfortunate people. I then stood in great danger from those who had until then been my lifelong friends. 

On a public day I was in a manner compelled to remove my Books and papers from my office to a place of safety, as they stood in great danger of being destroyed. Men who one year ago remarked that they would not disgrace themselves by darkening the door of any Bureau Officer, are now its frequent visitors. There has been a great revolution in the minds of the people. Hopeing that justice to all, without regard to race or color will be the future watchword of the American people. I remain &c."
Bvt. Capt. Saml. Walker Supt at Knoxville Tenn, gives the following account of the operations of Capt. Tracy:
"Captain Tracy who left here on the 2d inst. (Jany 1867) for the purpose of collecting rents for 1866 and re-leasing Abandoned property for 1867, reports from Jonesboro Washington County on the 28th inst. that he has visited Jefferson, Carter, Green and Johnson Counties and had succeeded in collecting One thousand ($1000) dollars, and re-leased nearly all the property now held by the