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Bureau in these Counties, for the year of 1867. He states that money is very scarse and Collections are hard to be made, and that in many cases he has either been compelled to lease the property at lower rates than it was leased for in 1866 or, let it stand vacant there being little or no competition for the leases and some of the lessees declining to make engagements to pay money sent; this will make little or no difference however, as the Federal Court, is restoring all this property, and under the present ruling with reference to the collection of rents, the farmer owners will probably recieve it nearly all. The Captain expects to return to this place about the 10th of next month and will then visit Roane, and some of the adjoinging Counties"

The subsistence stores ordered to be issued by May Genl. O. O Howard, at this place have been distributed with the assistance of the Charitable Union Relief Association, through their ward committees, whose duty it is to personally visit the destitute persons in their several Wards, and give orders to those who are suffering, or likely to be, on the storekeeper of the Association, for such supplies as they stood in need of: the Storekeeper in turn drew orders on me for rations.

This plan was adapted to prevent imposition as far as possible, also to prevent any person from getting charity from the Association, and the U S Government. At one and the same time, I feel confident that very few unworthy persons have been recipients of the charity. It was evident from the number of applicants to the Association for relief, prior to the 1st of Jany 1867 that the amount of Subsistence Stores authorized to be issued would be insufficient to furnish all applicants with full rations, it was therefore deemed advisable to issue but three days rations in each week. This rule was observed, with a few exceptions where larger amounts were issued.

The number of destitutes is constantly increasing instead of diminishing, principally from fresh arrivals from Georgia and Alabama. I am of the opinion that 2500 Rations will be all that will be required