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the knowledge of the Supt of this county, within the past month. One wherein a peaceable quiet, and industrious freedman by the name of Isaac Strambley. and his family were driven away from their homes, their house torn down and family abused, and after securing another house was followed by same party, the family driven out and attempts made to burn the house &c.

One of the party being recognized affidavits were sworn to, and warrant issued by civil authorities for his arrest, but the officer having it in charge has been unable to arrest the offender up to this time, he having fled. And again, in or about the 20th ult. the house of one old blind freedman (Zary Ordman) whose family consisted of wife two sons and grand child was forcibly entered about midnight by the white men with blackened faces who commenced beating sons with clubs, while attempting to escape, one of the sons was fired at twice, one shot taking effect in the thigh. The inmates were then robbed of their money clothing, &c No clue whatever as to the identity of the robbers has been elicited. These outrages are of race occurrance, but they retard seriously the feelings of confidence, security and good feeling that would otherwise be strengthened in the minds of the freedmen, not withstanding