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into the last year between the freedmen and employers and in conducting prosecutions of white men for abuse of freedmen and women by assaulting them. These cases of this character having been brought to the attention of the Supt and settled by fines in the Civil courts or compromise. There has been brought to the attention of the Supt. Circumstances in Wilson Co. at a point known as Providence, where several Cabins belonging to Freedmen have been burned and the freedmen in the vicinity intimidated from hiring themselves out or cultivating their grounds, by warnings posted around and reading as follows. "Lead will kill Yankees and fire will burn" No nigger's shall settle in this neighborhood, it so they would "be burned out etc" Appeals have been made to me for protection- The Bell belonging to the building leased for the purpose of a school for freedmen and children at Alexandria, DeKalb, county has been removed and taken away, said to have been done by enemies to the freedmen's school. Your Supt would further report that many colored children are held by parties claiming them as having been their former owners, and have refused to deliver them to your Supt that they may be furnished with homes with those that are willing and disposed to furnish them with food