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clothing and an education- The class above referred to are orphans of Freedmen, and those abandoned by their parents- There is apparently but little disposition among the Freedmen or employers to make contracts before the Bureau, in this Sub District, but contracts all entered into between the parties- A great want is manifested in this Sub Dist for female help, or domestics for the house, such as cooks, washers and ironers and house servants generally.

There still exists in this Sub Dist an increased desire on the part of the Freedmen generally for an education.

In closing this report your Supt would most respectfully request that a small squad of cavalry of some ten or twelve men under the charge of a judicious Officer by ordered to report to these Head Quarters for a few days to aid your Supt in correcting some of the evils existing as before mentioned that can only be reached by these means.

Your Supt is satisfied that this would produce a very desirable effect upon a class in this Sub Dist, who wholly disregard the Civil law, and for which disregard the authorities are not disposed to investigate. Your Supt also in closing his report would say that at this date he is