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no law in Giles Co., consequently they make this a general rendezvous for all their rascality. 

The citizens of this section complain bitterly that they have to be blamed for rascality for which they are not responsible, but they do not attempt to have the villains brought to justice. 

There are no officers, no police, nor anyone to attend to the peace of the community."

Alfred Bearden, Supt for Lincoln Co. reports Jany 30. There is quite a contrast between my report for Jany 1866, and for Jany 1867. Parties are not much disposed to register contracts for this year, and I fear that much trouble will grow out of the present loose way of contracting with the freed persons.

If the Freedmen's Bureau would apply a sufficiency of the appropriation to compensate Citizen Superintendents, requiring of them to approve and register all contracts free of cost perhaps parties could be induced (with few exceptions) to have their contracts properly made and registered. No acts of cruelty reported to me since Christmas holidays. 

No provision yet made in this county for Pauper freed persons."