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The Criminal Court of this county met on the 1st Monday of this month. Some thirty cases were brought before the court, mostly Freedmen. There was a spirit of fairness shown in the conduct of each trial which was truly encouraging. The Judge was careful to appoint good legal counsel for each and every one, and although great pains were taken to bring out all evidence pro and con every presumption of the Jury, where a white man was concerned seemed to be against the Freedmen.

The most important cases were continued among them that of the soldier Ellis, charged with murder in the first degree for accidental shooting and killing a little white boy last winter. The continuance of his case was secured by his counsel on the ground of their being unable to find his witnesses.

Five were sent to the Penitentiary as follows. One for Rape, Eight years. One convicted of Grand larceny, sent for five years. One convicted for Assault and battery, with intent to kill, sent for three years. (should this assault have been committed upon the person of a white man my opinion is that the verdict would have been much more severe.) One for two years for Grand larceny. One convicted of stealing a horse almost