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the City and county. As to this date however nothing of the kind has been done and we have struggled through the winter as best we could. You are aware how very difficult it has been to find places for these destitute persons in private families, and to pay for their boarding and car of them.

I would further remark that situated as Nashville is helpless persons will be sent here and thrown down on our streets by the adjoining counties, not careing how the poor creatures may get along but only anxious that they may get rid of them. Many persons in the state persist in believing that at the Head Quarters of the Bureau some provisions for such persons have been made- humanity certainly requires immediate action in this matter I think that provisions for the care of about Fifty infirm persons is sufficient.

It is an indelible disgrace to the civil authorities of Nashville, the manner in which they treat their poor; both white and colored-

For action taken in the cases of Robert Hester. Purtle. Webb. and others who were committed for trial (for murder and other crimes) at Gallatin: Sumner Co. Tenn on Dec 31st 1866. and whose trials will come