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in the crop.

He also states that there are no paupers in his County and that the freed people will get through the winter without suffering from destitution. He is of the opinion that the State of affairs in his County are in as flourishing a condition as is any county in the South. He is having some little trouble in settling last years contracts, but a large majority of the people are disposed to, and do deal justly with the freed people.

Andrew Neely, Supt &c of Carroll County, reports that he has done no work of any kind at his office during the month. He states that the freed people are doing "tolerably well," that some few have been swindled out of their wages, but the magistrates have succeeded in obtaining fair settlements, and that the white people are more liberal in making their contracts with the freed people this year that they were last. Nearly all the laborers this year are to work for a share in the crop.

A freedman was shot in this County without any provocation by a man by the name of John Massa. The case was referred to the Civil Authorities and the Grant Jury formed a true bill against Massa, but he fled the county to avoid arrest.