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ter in this County a freedmen in the employ of a Wm. Pendleton of that place was set upon, beaten and severely shot without cause, by a set of white youths of that vicinity that leader of whom was one James Taylor, a youth who from reputation and reliable information, is proverbial for his hatred, and bad treatment of freedmen. The act of his shooting the freedman is shown to have been maliciously premeditated, the freedman is seriously wounded in the leg by a pistol shot. Taylor has fled and no steps have been taken by the Civil Authorities to cause his arrest.

The freedmen of Franklin Co. have been unmolested since my last report, (so far as I have been informed) yet feelings of uneasiness is manifest among them, they fearing a repetition of outrages committed in Jany last. The parties committing same  being still at large and unpunished.

While the Supt is satisfied that a large portion of the people of his section of country are kindly disposed