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The others the shooting of a freedman by James Taylor and other youths of his class.  These parties being at large and no exertions having been made to arrest them obliges me to state that the Civil Magistrates are yet tardy and indisposed to do justice in such cases.

The number of minor cases coming before magistrates for abjudication have been in variably disposed of to the disadvantage of the freedmen except before a few.

It give me great pleasure to stat that there is a decided and marked improvement in the Sub District of Nashville for the month, and which if continued will be conducive to prosperity and wealth in this section. I ascribe it in great measure to the summary arrest by the military, of these lawless men and remnants of Guerrilla bands and whom the Civil authorities could not arrest. These men begin to see that even if acquitted before the Civil Courts by sympathising friends that the murder of a freedman is too expensive a luxury to be often indulged  

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