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extensive preparations for this years crop."

S.H. Melcher, Agent of LaGrange Fayette Co. has issued 238 rations to the destitute freedpeople at that point. But four freedmen have had their contracts approved by Mr. Melcher. There is at this point one colored school, one teacher and twenty-five scholars. The Agent states that that, "The labor question does not appear fully settled, and while a fourth perhaps are applying themselves steadily to their duties, there are many of the women who have decided that they are above field work and as long as they can obtain whiskey and snuff, without much labor, are contented and ever happy filth and rags.  There are preparations for a larger cultivation of crops than last year and with a favorable season we expect a large increase."

Fielding Hunt, Agent for McNairy Co., has approved 30 contracts embracing 80 laborers. He reports that a majority of the freedmen are leasing this year instead of working for wages. 450 rations were forwarded to this Agent for distribution to destitute colored people, but up to this date the Agent has failed to make any return for the same, Although he has been supplied 

Transcription Notes:
Welcher or Melcher? + some iffy words