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are employed, eighteen of whom are white and thirteen colored. The number of scholars attending the free schools is 1509 and the number paying tuition fee 788 making a total of 2297. Of these 1771 are under and 526 over 16 years of age. The average daily attendance is 1646. 
The gain in total number enrolled over January report is 630, and the gain in average attendance is 318. 
The Memphis Branch of the National Freedmen's Savings and Trust Company which has been doing business in this city for the last year, was so far as related to its management a decided failure, and Col. Harris, Gen'l Financial Inspector of the company arrived in this City about the 1st of the month with the understanding that he was to close this Branch unless if could be organized on such a basis as would make it at least pay its own expenses. The trouble appeared to have been that the colored people did not sufficiently understand the object for which the bank was established and like all new things started for their benefit were extremely suspicious. Col. Harris called upon me for such assistance as I could, render him in his efforts in this direction, and I invited to any office nineteen