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in all of which they have been dealt with justly and allowed all the rights to which they are entitled by existing laws. Over Fifty freedmen have enlisted in the United States Army, and left for Nashville, and it is expected that as many men will leave soon I will probably be necessary to issue a few rations during the month of March in which case an estimate of the number required will be forwarded.

Capt. Tracy has returned to Knoxville from his town through the upper counties and now goes to Roune and Blount. He expects to get through in about twenty days. The schools appear to be in a prosperous condition; their report shows a larger attendance than in January. 

The School at Cleveland Bradley Co is reported as flourishing. The house is not large enough to accommodate all who desire to attend. The school near Charleston has closed in consequence of the inability of the colored people, to sustain the teacher, the agent is in hopes to remedy this soon. The school house at Athens is about completed and the school will open as soon as possible. Mr James Ware Agent at Cleveland reports that the freedpeople are prospering in his district as well as circumstances will permit.

The school in this city is not as largely attended as in the month of Jany. owing to quite a number of the scholars leaving to work in the country and elsewhere.

The number of destitute dependent upon public charity at this point does not diminish very fast, owing to constant arrivals from destitute