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28th Febry 1867
Sparta Tennessee

Maj General Wm. P. Carlin

I have the honor to report on duty as ever. Since the Reception of Circular No.2. I have done all I reasonably could to inform all the Freedmen that the changes for approving and Registering Contracts have been done away and Supt were not allowed any fees and most of them appear to be in favor of having contracts Registered.

The freedmen in this county are quiet and generly attending to their business appears to be no interruption among them whatever, no depredations are being committed on them by the whites all appear to be quiet and peaceable

I am sir your obt servant
Richard Simpson
Supt B.R.F. & AL for
White County Tennessee

Transcription Notes:
Unsure of recipient's name, words in last paragraph, and word in signing off