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about the 1st of May next.

The condition of affairs, in Madison County is some what improved, yet there is great room for still further improvement. G. E. Green, Agent reports that there are a great many complaints made to him by both white and black of failure to comply with contracts entered into, and that after carefully enquiring of cases, the fault belongs to the employers who promise more than they ever intend to perform, and especially in the case where hands are brought into the country from other states.

Capt. Kendrick reports that in conversation had by him with the colored people at Jackson, some of them gave it as their opinion, that Mr. Green did all he could. for them, while others claimed that he did little or nothing at all. The Captain reports that the Civil Courts seem little disposed to do the freedmen justice and that if Mr. Green would interest himself more in presenting their claims to the Magistrate they would be more disposed to give satisfaction and equal justice to the complainants. There