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crops, while those working for wages are satisfied with their pay and surroundings. There has been no disturbance of any kind calculated to produce unpleasant results that has come to the knowledge of the Agent. The state of feeling that exists between the white and colored citizens of this Dist is generally agreeable thus being no just cause why the freedmen and whites should not work together for their mutual benefit and it being essential to the general good of both. Self interest that generally takes precedence in such cases will it is believed soon remove any obstruction or imaginary cause in the way of a general reconciliation.

The freedmen are somewhat interested in their right of franchise there is no trouble whatever anticipated in their exercise of that right they come to their conclusions, and determine on their political preference in a quiet way. They seem to avoid excitement and make no sacrifices of their industrial pursuits to attend political gatherings.

The crops in this District are prospectively good (except the fruit crop) the wheat crop particularly bids fair to be the most yielding since 1865. There will 

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