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month to disturb the harmony prevailing among the white and colored citizens. 

Later contracts continue inviolated, and no infringement of the rights of the freedpeople collectively has been reported to this Agency.

Two cases of assault have occurred during the month and in each instance white men were the aggressors by due process of law the offenders were arraigned and tried by George T. Purvis, Justice of the Peace, found guilty and fined in the one case Five Dollars & costs and in the other Ten Dollars & costs. 

Here I would respectfully recommend that Agents of the Bureau be empowered to employ necessary counsel for the prosecution of cases before the several tribunals in the county within their respective jurisdictions. I am induced to make this recommendation from the following consideration. That in all cases where a freedman is assaulted or murdered the individual who commits the crime may possess sufficient means or has friends to procure the services of the best counsel the county affords, while the Lawyer who takes charge of the case for the freedman