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liberty of actions. 
I regret very much to see a disposition manifest to use the freedmen as mere voting machines and deem it my duty to resist all such efforts. I have also deemed it my duty to use my utmost endeavors to foster kindness of feeling between the freedmen and the white citizens of the south. 
Three outrages have been committed during the month, a case of rape, and two cases of shooting. 
I took the woman on whom the rape was committed by a white man under circumstances of great brutality before the Grand Jury and a true bill of indictment has been found. 
The other case in which a white man shot a colored man has not yet been brought before the authorities for the reason, that he is unable, as yet, to go before the authorities. As soon as able I will see that the perpetrator of the crime is brought before the authorities. 
The third case are tried before the Magistrates and a fine of $50.00