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and costs imposed. 

The City Recorder has punished several cases of Assault and battery on colored persons, by white persons, with commendable severity. 

It gives me pleasure to bring to the notice of the Asst Commissioner the continued and steady improvement in the Sub District although the action of Jurys when the case of a Freedman is brought before them would not justify such a conclusion. The freedmen would have some chance of justice if they only had the Judge to deal with but whenever their cases come before a Jury they are sure to be defeated, no matter what may be the law or evidence in the case. 

I must say that Giles county bears off the Palm, over the other counties in inflicting injustice upon Cold and Union men as exemplified by the unprovoked assault by the town constable upon a very worthy citizen R.W. Brink Post Master at Lynnville, simply for opinion sake. The robbers from that part of Kentucky bordering upon Robertson County, have again commenced their work coming over into said

Transcription Notes:
"bear off the palm" means to win the prize (used sarcastically here)