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Robertson County and stealing and maltreating the Freedmen. A party came over last month and destroyed a poor but industrious freedman and at same time taking all the earnings of his last year. They were traced back to Ky, but their names could not be found out. Black who shot Stephen Cola at Clarksville Montgomery Co on the 19th inst. was arrested and committed for trial at next term of Court on bail of $1000. This same Black is also on trial for shooting a Union man named Parry in 1862. 

The schools in this Sub District firmly maintain their position.

The average attendance the past month is greater than the preceding month by several hundreds although many have left for the purpose of labor. Others have taken their places and the halls are full. There are about 2800 pupils in the colored schools at Nashville, in which city one new school was opened April 1st. It is believed that there will be no diminution in the number of pupils as the school year draws to a close. At Winchester and McMinville preparations

Transcription Notes:
the author's "r"s look like "y"s