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in easy lessons 31. There are no higher grades. No. Sunday Schools 1. No. Sabbath School scholars 96.

The Rev. Mr. Lea who was the principle person in starting this school writes me that the most prominent persons in Jackson are giving him every encouragement to go ahead in his good work. He has asked me if the Bureau cannot give him some little assistance as money is very scarce and the donations are not as liberal as they would be in more prosperous times. I have written to him to find out how much aid he would require and will write you upon the subject when I receive his reply. 

On the 17th of April. Henry LeGrand (cold) was murdered by another freedman by the name of Green Little.  A warrant was issued but Little fled the country for parts unknown. 

A colored woman by the name of Kitty Ann, was beaten by a white man but the name of McKnight, on the 15th of April. On the 15th another colored woman was beaten by one Tom Pierson — both cases have been referred to the civil authorities, but the trials have