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men from the room and blowing out the lights proceeded to ravish the females who were present. The colored men sent to Dr. Porter for assistance but before he arrived the villians left for the woods, taking with them a little girl about 12 years old, whom they kept with them all night. The child after being repeatedly ravished by these fiends, was turned loose in the morning in a most dreadful condition. The next day the people turned out in force and before night seven of the gang were accosted. The Agent secured the services of the Attorney General who was assisted by two other lawyers, who volunteered their services and the party were put under bonds for trial at the next term of the District Court. One of these prisoners escaped from the officer but was afterwards arrested and lodged in jail at Paducah Ky. Mr. Brown reports that the civil authorities and citizens generally acted very promptly in this matter. 

There are no schools in Mr. Brown's district, except one Sunday School at Paris, numbering 50 scholars. 

Joseph A. Blakemore in charge of Gibson, Obion and Dyer coun 

Transcription Notes:
villians is misspelled in the text, but left as is.