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reports that the freedmen as a general thing are doing very well. Nearly every one is employed and at fair terms, and with a favorable season their condition will be much improved by fall. The people continue to take an intrest [[interest]] in the school & church building which they are about to commence erecting at Trenton. Proposals for the building are now being received by Mr. Blakemore, and the contract will soon be let. Two minors have been apprenticed by the County Court. 

Mr. Blakemore reports that two freedmen have been shot in Gibson Co. under the following circumstances;

I A freedmen by the name of Bob Smith was murdered at Trenton on the 31st day of March by a man by the name of Walton, a resident of Columbus Ky. Smith had been a federal soldier during the war, and Walton accused Smith of having persuaded the soldiers to ravish his wife, during his (Walton's) absence. Walton met Smith on the day of the Killing near the Depot and made an assault on Smith with a stock until it broke in two pieces. Smith seized one of the pieces and defended himself for a short time and then fled. As Smith