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was running away Walton shot him, killing him instantly. Walton immediately fled. A warrant was issued for his arrest by J.D. Hill, a Magistrate, and a posse of men starting after him, captured Walton about six miles from town. He was brought back to town and placed under guard in the Court House for the purpose of having his examination next morning. During the night two of the guard took the prisoner out to a sink. The night was quiet dark and the prisoner broke away from his guard and fled. Shots were fired at him but without effect. Walton has not been heard of since. Mr. Blakemore reports that he is of the opinion that it was through the carelessness of the guard that the prisoner escaped, and not through any connivance on their part. 

The other case of shooting occurred at Humbolt. A colored man by the name of Gilford Merit while setting in his house about 10 o'clock in the evening, was shot by some person unknown. Merit is spoken of as being a quiet honest colored man and no reason can be assigned for