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the outrage. His wound although severe is not dangerous and he will undoubtedly recover.
Mr. Holloway Agent for the counties of Fayette and Hardiman, report that the freedpeople are working well and getting on smoothly and quietly. No outrages have been committed during the month, at least none have been reported to the Agent. The Civil Courts are generally dealing fairly with the colored people. At Sommerville the colored school is doing finely. There are two teachers and 82 scholars — average attendance 66. No. over 16 years of age 26. No. of Sabbath Schools 1. No. of Sabbath School scholars 125. Mr. Newton the teacher reports that the school has not been interferred [[interfered]] with and that the prejudice against colored schools in that section is dying out. 

J.L. Poston Agent for the counties of Haywood, Lauderdale and Tipton reports that the freedmen as a general thing are doing very well, most of them being at work on good terms and with a favorable season will be comfortably off this fall. There is one school at Brownsville numbering 42 scholars, being a gain of twelve over last months reports.