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But 5 of the scholars are over 16 years of age. There is one Sabbath School with 96 scholars. The colored people are earnestly moving in their new school house and church and it is expected that it will soon be ready for occupancy. On the 1st of April a school house was burnt in the Northwest part of the county by some roughs supposed to have come down from the border counties. The citizens turned out with the officers of the law and made an effort to arrest them, but were unsuccessful, the guilty parties making this escape.

Capt. Kendrick who visited Lauderdale County states that he found affairs much improved to what they were last year. The Civil Courts appeared more disposed to deal justly by the colored people now than then. 

The planters were putting in double the amount of land to what they cultivated last year and expressed themselves highly pleased with the manner in which the colored people were conducting themselves this season. A large majority of the freed people were remaining with the parties they worked for last season.