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and helpless. This arises more from the impoverished condition of the County Treasury than from a lack of sympathy with the sufferers. 
Mr. Hurst since Jany 1st 1867, has approved 58 contracts, embracing 172 laborers. The prospects for this years crop is not good, this is owing to the wet backward spring which has prevented the work being done as promptly as it should have been. More corn will be planted this year and less cotton than formerly. There are no day schools in the County. One Sabbath School is held at Purdy — the average attendance is about 50 scholars. 
Capt. Kendrick reports considerable destitution in this County. His report upon this point was forwarded you May 2d 1867. 
In Shelby County affairs in my opinion continue to improve; freedom of speech and thought are being tolerated more and more day by day. The Magistrates see another term of office depending in a great measure upon the vote of the colored people, are not only willing, but anxious to dispense justice to