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State of feeling on the part of citizens toward the Freedmen and the Bureau, also views and suggestions of the Sub Assistant Com. 

From reliable information received I am satisfied that a marked change for the better has taken place during the past few months in the feeling on the part of the Citizens toward the Bureau and Freedmen in this Sub District.

The universal opinion seems to be that this Change is caused by the late legislation granting to the Freedmen the right of Suffrage.

Whether induced by this or other Considerations, there is no doubt but it is true and that the inferior Courts appear more desirous than before to mete out full justice to the freedmen. 

The higher Courts in this District have for sometime had the reputation of dealing fairly and impartially in the adjudication of Cases wherein freedmen are concerned, and I am satisfied that the old prejudices are gradually wearing away in the inferior Courts.

The freedmen are generally working industriously and seem contented,