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But few outrages of any kind have been reported and those of a trivial character. 

The Schools in this County I think are in a prosperous condition, but I regret to say that as a general thing throughout this District they are not in as flourishing condition as they should be, and as I hope will be soon. 

The late tour of the Revd. D. Bent State Supt. of Education, through this District has had a most beneficial effect in harmonizing and stimulating the various interests at work for the education of the freedmen, and I would most respectfully urge that if possible, assistance may be furnished in all cases where he may recommend it. 

Although the reports of destitution and suffering in E. Tenn. were very much exaggerated after the recent freshet, there is nevertheless some destitution and suffering in this District. 

Mr. J. W. Johnston Asst. Sub. Assistant Comr. at Chattanooga estimates that fifteen hundred (1500) rations in addition to those he now has on hand will be necessary for issue to destitutes at that place during the month of