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to be unusually large. 

The only outrage reported during the month, worthy of note, occured in this County, about ten miles from this place on the night of the 17 inst, when a building, almost completed, and intended to be used as a School House for the freedmen in that vicinity, was burned. Although diligent inquiry has been made, sufficient evidence has not yet been obtained to warrant the arrest of any one, for this act. It is supposed to have been the work of two ex rebel Soldiers who have recently returned home.

[[?]] visiting the premises in person during the Coming Month, with the view of having the House rebuilt; and will then make a more thorough investigation into the Case. 

Mr. [[Bokum?]], Agent-at-Jonesboro, reports that the Whites at Taylorville, Johnston Co, have given to the Colored people of that place, a lot on which to build a SchoolHouse, also that he expects to have a SchoolHouse erected at Elizabethton Carter County. 

Mr. Ware, Agent-at-Cleveland, reports