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of there person determined in establishing themselves as good citizens. The scarcity of supplies etc. for the past year, has had a healthy influence upon them as economists and the releasing of the present prospects of crops will place them in better circumstances than they have heretofore enjoyed

H.W. Barr, Agent for the counties of Cheatham and Robertson makes the following report.

I am very much delighted that I have not an outrage to report for June. If there has been anything of the kind it has not come to my knowledge.

J.K. Nelson. Agent for the counties of Cannon and Rutherford thus reports. The Freedmen in the counties of Rutherford and Cannon continue in a prosperous condition. Most of them are industrious and law abiding and the crops now bid fair to repay them well for their industry.

On the 20th of June I visited Woodbury County seat of Cannon Co. It's entire