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population of cold. people does not probably exceed Five hundred. while in Rutherford the male portion over Twenty one years of age, exceeds Two thousand.

In Cannon Co they have had no schools except a sabboth school lately established by a cold. man. who has succeeded in getting the citizens to assist in putting up a little france school house, and in buying the lot on which it is built, he expects to track school in the house next fall and winter.

The Sheriff of Cannon Co. stated to me that the cold. people in that Co. were behaving themselves much better than the whites. Law, order, and industry prevails among them.

Your letter of June 18th with General Howard's letter of May 15" concerning the formation of a Temperance Society among the cold. people of the south to be known as the "Lincoln Temperance Society" was received so late in the month that no steps have yet been taken to organize a branch at this place. I have spoken to a member of the leading cold. men of the place concerning the