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for arbitration involving only $100.00 92. Dollars of the same was collected and paid to the claimants.

Actions on contracts for work and labor done have been brought in justice counts by Freedmen through my advice involving $193.40

Within my jurisdiction there have been four assaults on freedmen not of an aggravating character, but more or less willful and uncalled for, to wit. Robert Faith made an assault with deadly weapons on one Joe Johnson (cold.) Joe being 60 years of age and a negro of excellent character. As soon as the facts came to my knowledge, I had Faith arrested and he was fined by Records of the city $5. and costs.

Isaac Elliott (cold.) commenced work for Robert Hardin. on the 1st of February 1867. On the 24th of June Hardin not being pleased with some remarks of Isaac's in reference to election etc. drove him off his plantation threatening his life. actually snapping six caps at him. I am not fully advised as to all the facts in this case and will report in my