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agitated the question of total abstinence, and several preliminary meetings upon the subject have been held.

K. J. Sample for DeKalb Smith and Wilson Cos. Tenn writes

There is a more favorable feeling existing between the white and cold. population than was anticipated on my arrival here. As far as my limited observation has extended I am of the opinion, that the moral and social condition of the freedmen is rapidly improving. My observations have only extended to two counties Wilson and DeKalb. On a late visit to Alexandria DeKalb Co. your Agent made a visit to the Freedmens School at that place. found Mr Devlin engaged in his daily duties, surrounded by an interesting class of scholars principally adult females. Their progress in penmanship and reading was all that could have been expected as the result of his last six months labor.

Intemperance I am informed and as far as my observation has