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that is reasonable and right, they are willing to have a cold school established there. At Lafrett I found them quite anxious to have a school, and are willing to furnish the house. I must say I never was more cordially met or treated any where or at any time since the Rebellion than I was on this trip. The cold. people generally appear to be industrious and are doing tolerably well. I had five men of Col Lieb's command with me, who are gentlemen in every respect, and good soldiers beyond a doubt. who rendered me great service in the way of gathering knowledge in regard to the existing feeling. The crops generally are good.

It affords me great pleasure in still having to report a continued improvement in the condition of the freedmen in this Sub District.

Our Temperance Societies have not progressed as fast as I expected or hoped for the reason is that those (from whom I expected the greatest support (viz the ministers) are the parties that