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In anticipation of the Cholera visiting Chattanooga this Season, the Colored people have been urged to adopt habits of Cleanliness, both of person, and premises; and measures are being taken by the board of Mayor and Alderman of the City to secure a thorough sanitation and those who are too poor to buy disinfectants will be furnished them by the City. It is hoped by timely precaution the ravages of the disease may be prevented. 

Owing to the scarcity of money, and the extreme poverty of most of the freedmen, they have failed at many places to secure lots on which to build School Houses. in Consequence of which Capt. Tracey was unable to make but for Contracts. In New Market however when he thought there was least hope of securing a lot. One has been donated to them by a Citizen of that place, and it is hoped that after harvest, and particularly after they receive their bounties they will be able to secure lots at all points where Mr. Burt has recommended assistance.

As Mr. Shady, a gentleman who is much interested in the welfare of the Colored people. visited the vicinity of the School House reported last month as having been burned. I did not deem it necessary to go, He states that the lot on which the House stood was not owned by the Colored people, and that for the present they