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the temperance question, but so far he has met with but little success. He has hopes however, that he will get the colored people started in the movement in a short time.

One outrage is reported by the Agent. Daniel Dunnegan (Cold) was killed by Rich'd Gardner and John Dunnegan on the 24th inst. under the following circumstances:

Daniel is the freedman who shot young Jones, who was attempting in company with other rowdies to break into his cabin. A full report of which was forwarded you in my report for the month in May.

It appears that Daniel was going North on the train, and that at the Trenton Depot he was recognized by John Dunnegan and Richard Gardner, both of whom jumped upon the train and upon its arriving at Dyer Station they arrested David and took him before a magistrate at Rutherford Station where he was examined by Esquire Whitten who committed David for trial before the next term of the circuit court. Daniel attempted to escape and they shot and killed him - at any rate Daniel was found dead near the R.R. track, and a Coroners jury returned a verdict of "killed by a pistol shot by some persons unknown." Warrants were issued for the arrest of Dunnigan and

Transcription Notes:
Edited, corrections.