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Gardner and upon their examination before John R. Pearce and J.A. Vaughan Magistrate for the 6th and 7th Civil districts they were discharged.

J. S. Poston in charge of the Counties of Lauderdale, Tipton and Haywood reports that he has visited during the month of June the following places in his district to wit  Covington and Mason's Depot, Tipton Co. Ripley, Lauderdale Co., Cageville, Belle and Slanton Haywood Co. He adds, "I find the freedpeople in the vicinity of all these places farming very successfully, and notwithstanding the unfavorable spring season the prospects for a good crop at this time are very flattering. They are working in all these localities with the energy unsurpassable in the days of slavery.

There are but very few if any of the towns or villages mentioned, but are nearly all farming in the County. They are reasonably peaceful and law abiding throughout my whole district.

I was informed by the Clerk of the County County Clerk at Ripley, that there had been but two freedmen arrested in his Co. this year. 

In Lauderdale County there