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at Jackson is doing well. No. Teachers 1. No. scholars 40. There are several small plantation schools in various parts of the County, and the colored people are more interested now than ever upon the school question. In Henderson Co. there are about twenty five white families, including widows and others, who are objects of charity. Some of them Mr Allen states are almost in a starving condition. At Mifflin, on the night of the 15th ult a freedman was assaulted and wounded with a pistol shot by some parties whose names are unknown.

In Decatur Co, there are several colored paupers unprovided for. The prospect for a crop in this County this season is not good. In obedience to the instructions received from the Asst. Commissioner dated June 10"  Capt. Kendrick proceeded to Madison County and McNairy County for the purpose of arresting and bringing to trial John Dewberry, Pone Wamble, and Tim Wade, parties charged with committing an outrage upon a freedman by the name of Bill Tuce, who was at work on the plantation of a Mr. Johnson near Henderson Tenn. Capt Kendrick succeeded in arresting Wamble and Wade and had them examined before Esquire Rogers a Justice of the Peace at Pinston. They were both discharged