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are however, several, small private schools which are being continued through the summer; but owing to the warm weather the attendance is very small.

The sanitary condition of the City of Memphis is not good. the proper authorities have not cleansed the streets and alleys of the City as they should have done and as a natural consequence of this neglect the cholera has again made its appearance.  The City Press and several of the physicians deny that we have had any cholera this season. I have, however, on file at this office, the names and residence of seventy persons who are reported to have died of cholera in the City from 13" to the 27" of June. 45 of these cases were reported to me by some of the most prominent physicians in the City as Cholera cases, and the other 25, I obtained from the report of the Sanitary Sergeants of the Metropolitan Police force, to when they had been reported as such. This, may not be Asiatic Cholera, but I am informed by those who should be competent to judge, that it is the same disease which carried off so many persons in this City last August and September. The papers claim that it is only cholera Morbus. If such is the fact, I can only say it is very fatal in its effects, as a majority of the persons