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given him by his neighbors, would lend consistency to the statement.

The Agent has advised the freedmen of his District to comply with the law, and exercise their rights of franchise. Difficulties which were general, in obtaining certificates of Registration, together with indifference manifested, have in some instances prevented the fullest exercise of it, but it is believed that they will be represented at the polls, proportionately with the enfranchised whites, they have been assured of their rights as citizens, being protected at the ballot box, and no evidence of difficulties attending a free exercise of this right, has been made manifest to the Agent. A studious avoidance of advising them politically has been adheared to by me, both from a sense of duty, and an earnest wish that any reputation that I might possess, arising from their confidence, should not be be made liable to censure.

H.W. Barr Agent for the counties of Cheatham and Robertson, Tenn. reports.