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Thos J Rice Agent for the counties of Grundy and White. Tenn writes.
The condition of the Colored people has not materially changed since my last report. The political excitement is very high at this time and engrossed nearly all the attention of the people of this section, both white and black so that little else is doing or being done.

It remains yet to be seen whether the people of this section will have the temerity to violate their contracts with the freedmen because of their political opinion and action. I hope better of this people, notwithstanding their many and repeated threats to the contrary and consequently refrain from expressing myself further until my next regular report, or some special one called for by the occasion.

As regards Temperance societies I am able to report progress, having organized two societies in this county. One has 45 members, the other 22. The ball has opened and I am in hope will keep rolling and prove quite successful